In Julie McDonald-Smith’s last column, she declared that the “news media has lost credibility, and is firmly in the tank for all things progressive, and simply cannot be trusted to report the news.” This appears six paragraphs after she quotes an article from the Bangor Daily News with which she apparently agrees. Assuming that McDonald-Smith knows that a newspaper is part of the media, can she not see the howling inconsistency here?

Is it even possible McDonald-Smith includes the killing of an 12-year-old boy carrying a pellet gun in an open-carry state with “fictional news”created by the left, while we should all be extremely upset about North Korea’s hysterical reaction to a movie? I wonder if she would like to sit down with Tamir Rice’s mother and explain that although her child is dead, it is just the Democrats and the media that has turned him into a “victim”? If the many unarmed black men killed by police in recent months are not victims, what the heck are they?

Christine Carter

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