In his recent column (“Commentary: Voters need to support state Clean Elections Initiative on Nov. 3,” Oct. 9), U.S. Sen. Angus King said that in order for real change to happen when it comes to increasing transparency in elections and limiting the influence of money on elected officials, the people must “rise up and demand it.”

I couldn’t agree more. That’s why I’m supporting statewide Question 1 on November’s ballot.

Question 1 is an opportunity for Mainers to lead the way on campaign finance reform. Question 1 will increase transparency in elections, limit the influence of big money on elected officials and increase fines and penalties for those who break our campaign finance laws.

Most of all, Question 1 is an opportunity for Mainers to send a message to the rest of the country that change can happen and voters can rise up and take back control of our elections.

On Nov. 3, vote “Yes” on Question 1.

Judy LaBrasca


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