In this political environment, it’s not easy to point to successes or to find bipartisan accomplishments. But state Sen. Justin Chenette, D-Saco, has a unique ability to passionately stand up for our values while being able to work with people across the aisle. A prime example is his health care reform legislation.

L.D. 1030, “An Act to Require Nondiscrimination Policies in Providing Health Care Services,” will prevent insurance companies from discriminating against care received from a naturopathic doctor. Previously, Maine law allowed insurance companies to opt out of covering health care providers offering integrative or naturopathic treatment, even if that treatment is licensed by the state of Maine.

Sen. Chenette’s bill requires insurance coverage for services provided by licensed naturopathic doctors as long as those services are within the scope of their license. This only makes sense, since naturopathic care is preventative and holistic, saving money by keeping people healthy.

This bill is now law, passing in the House 135-11 and in the Senate 32-2. That doesn’t happen unless there is overwhelming support on both sides of the aisle. Sen. Chenette worked with his Republican colleagues to find a path forward to hold insurance companies accountable and to ensure Maine health care consumers come first.

Consumers should have a choice of licensed practitioners to provide their care. This is a big win for all Mainers who were previously denied this choice.

Thank you, Sen. Chenette, for your bipartisan leadership on an issue that is critical for every Mainer!

Pam Anderson

Old Orchard Beach

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