I read with concern and sadness an Aug. 29 letter questioning Sen. Susan Collins’ commitment to protecting those with pre-existing medical conditions, including (especially!) Type 1 diabetes. Keeping politicians’ focus on this vital topic is undeniably important. However, focusing an attack on one of Type 1 diabetes patients’ most devoted champions was shortsighted, uninformed and simply disrespectful.

I first met Sen. Collins 12 years ago. She chaired a Senate hearing for the development of an artificial pancreas, and my son and I testified. My son and thousands of others simply would not be wearing this life-changing device today without her.

Similar examples abound. It was our senator who founded the Senate Diabetes Caucus, our senator who has tripled diabetes funding. Our senator co-sponsors the Special Diabetes Program, which provides $150 million annually for Type 1 diabetes research at the National Institutes of Health. She works across party lines to ensure that advances are accessible. Just recently, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services approved coverage of the continuous glucose monitor because of her efforts.

For the past two decades, she has chaired the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Children’s Congress, which brings children with Type 1 diabetes to Washington to share their personal stories. In Maine, she meets consistently with Type 1 diabetes families, including my own, always willing to meet, listen, comfort and help. I have witnessed her fight insurers on behalf of many Mainers with Type 1 diabetes. She has received multiple national recognition awards from such leading diabetes organizations as JDRF for her tireless efforts.

Without a doubt, I know Sen. Collins is fighting hard every day to protect my son and everyone with pre-existing conditions. It is difficult to imagine a more tireless, sympathetic and effective proven champion, and I am extremely proud to call her my senator.

Caroline Sweeney


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