Let me get this straight: A Texas chef, John Tesar, who owns six restaurants in a state where both Republican senators (Ted Cruz and John Cornyn) voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, has vowed not to buy Maine seafood for his restaurants because Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins also voted to confirm Ka- vanaugh (“Anger over Collins’ vote puts Maine in crosshairs,” Oct. 9, Page A1).

As far as I know, Mr. Tesar is not threatening to sell his Texas restaurants and move to another state if Sen. Cruz is not defeated in his bid for re-election this fall. Which leads me to wonder, how many others – those vowing not to visit Maine this year, or buy from L.L. Bean, for example, thereby attempting to claim the moral high ground – live in states where one or both senators supported the Ka- vanaugh confirmation?

For the record, I was angered and disappointed by Collins’ speech and vote, and like thousands of Maine citizens, wrote and called her to express my conviction that Kavanaugh was not worthy to sit on the court.

But there are 48 other Republican senators and one Democrat who voted to confirm him. Why should Susan Collins – and, for that matter, the state of Maine – be held to a higher standard than other Republicans and their states? To me, this reeks of old-fashioned sexism.

Susan Sterling


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