Mayor Ethan Strimling’s slogan, “Results That Matter,” is right on. The same faces who say affordable housing, homelessness and the opioid crisis are the mayor’s fault ignore their own lack of action. Portland voters want a strong mayor, not one who goes along with the manager or falls in line behind a City Council that can’t make up its minds.

For his entire career as a public servant, Ethan has advocated for better education, affordable housing, property tax relief, better transportation and a clean environment. He spends his time advocating at the grassroots level for those who need a step up, or in the State House fighting for Portland’s fair share. Strimling has dedicated his life’s work to helping residents, and taxpayers of Portland.

Thank you, Mayor Strimling, for what you have done. I look forward to another four years of results that matter.

Anthony Donovan


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