South Portland officials issued new regulations Wednesday night requiring dogs to be leashed in all public spaces until further notice or until the city ends the state of civil emergency it enacted in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
The regulations, which take effect at 9 a.m. Friday, expand on existing ordinances requiring dogs to be leashed on public streets and parking lots, in Mill Creek Park and on the Greenbelt Walkway.
Under the new requirements, dogs must be leashed in all public spaces not previously required between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. and must be walked while maintaining at least 6 feet of distance from non-household members and other animals.
Rules prohibiting dogs in city parks between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., and on Willard Beach from May 1 to Sept. 30 between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., remain in effect.
The city of Portland issued similar restrictions Tuesday requiring dogs to be leashed between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. in all public spaces, including areas where dogs were previously allowed to be off-leash and under voice control.
Public health officials do not have evidence that pets can spread the virus or that they might be a source of infection in the United States. However, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued guidance saying pets should not be treated as household members and limited from interacting with people or other animals outside the home.
South Portland’s new leash regulations will remain in place until lifted by the city manager or until the city’s state of civil emergency is terminated.
Mayor Katherine Lewis proclaimed a state of civil emergency March 24. That was followed by a stay-at-home order March 26 and other regulations, including a prohibition on the use of playground equipment, restrictions on visits to senior care facilities and a prohibition on the use of reusable bags at retail establishments.
Neither the emergency declaration nor the stay-at-home order have a definitive end date.
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