With the rise of election denialism in America, endangering the future of free and fair elections, democracy is on the ballot this November.

In Maine, our choice is clear. Republican Paul LePage has a long and disturbing record on the issue, from spreading misinformation about illegal voting, intimidating eligible voters from casting their ballot and denying the results of the 2020 election.

In contrast, Democrat Janet Mills has led historic reforms to improve the electoral process in Maine, recognized by this paper’s editorial board in June 2021, when they wrote, “Maine’s voting laws should be a national model.” Mills signed into law bills to limit Big Money’s influence, implement a new automatic voter registration program and expand the use of 24-hour drop boxes for absentee ballots.

At this critical moment for our democracy we need a governor committed to our democratic institutions, not undermining them. Gov. Mills has proven that she’s the leader we need.

Jordan Wood
Round Pond

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