A Cumberland legislator is facing a challenge for his Maine House District 110 seat, which represents Cumberland, Chebeague Island and Long Island.

Republican Scott Jordan is trying to unseat Democratic Rep. Stephen Moriarty.

Jordan, a U.S. Army veteran who also lives in Cumberland, declined to respond to questions from the Press Herald, saying he felt what was being asked was unfair.

Here is a look at Moriarty’s priorities and positions on some key issues.

Q: What are your top priorities and why?

We must address the affordable housing crisis. The lack of affordable housing impacts our entire society, to include increased homelessness, decreased employment opportunities, critical staffing shortages, the inability of our employers to grow and expand, out-migration in search of better opportunities, and the negative impact upon personal growth and the achievement of goals and ambitions.


We must promote excellence in K-12 public education to give our students the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in a global economy. In addition, we must continue to support the University of Maine system and our community colleges, where enrollment is up 12% this fall.

Global warming presents a catastrophic threat to our environment, economy, and way of life. Warming oceans, radical weather pattern changes, and alteration of marine and land habitat will have unsustainable consequences for all. It is happening now, and we must follow the state’s climate action plan and take the lead in reducing carbon emissions and in developing clean and renewable sources of energy.

Q: What are your biggest concerns about the economy and what should the Legislature do to address them?

The increasing cost of living, growing inflation, and the possibility of a recession are the greatest economic concerns we face. The problem is global in scope and impacts all countries, without regard to the level of economic development. In all honesty, the situation is beyond the reach of an individual legislator or a single state legislature. However, at the state level we can help our residents and taxpayers by avoiding tax increases as well as new discretionary spending, and by mapping out state-wide strategies for coping with the trend if it continues or worsens.

Q: Do you support changing Maine’s abortion law to make it more or less restrictive and how?

I fully and completely support a woman’s freedom in making reproductive choices and health care decisions without governmental interference. I would not in any way agree with changing our current abortion statute to make it more restrictive. Speaking generally, I support any clarification or further establishment of the right of a woman to determine for herself the reproductive health care option which she decides to be in her best interests.

Q: Do you believe President Biden won the 2020 election fairly?

President Biden clearly won the 2020 presidential election openly and fairly. I completely disagree with those who are election deniers.

– Sam Pausman

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