Hires, promotions, appointments
Baker Newman Noyes has combined its business and technology, health care, tax and assurance advisory practices into one combined advisory practice and appointed Ilona Davis, current principal of the the business and technology advisory practice, to lead it. Davis joined the firm in 2012 and founded the business and technology advisory group.

Kelsey Lowe of Westbrook joins Spinnaker Trust’s employee stock ownership plan practice. She has over 15 years of experience as an ESOP account administrator and has worked for Actuarial Designs & Solutions and EPIC Retirement Plan Services.
Joseph Young was hired by Northern Light Mercy Hospital as an orthopedic surgeon in Falmouth. His expertise includes hip and knee replacement, revision hip and knee replacement, robotic-assisted joint replacement and treating trauma-related injuries.

Maine Community Foundation’s Peaks Island Fund has awarded a total of $75,000 in grants to 10 nonprofit organizations that support the island community. The recipients are the Fifth Maine Regiment Museum, Illustration Institute, Island Compost Project, Island Transportation System, New Brackett Memorial Church, Peaks Island Children’s Workshop, Peaks Island Historical Society, Peaks Island News, Peaks Island School and Umbrella Cover Museum.
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