Is it as bad as it appears? Trump is a wannabe dictator, a complete narcissist who cannot tell the truth. He is mean, racist and a misogynist with a third grader’s vocabulary. He thrives on childish name-calling, revenge, hate and stokes “fear of the other” to divide. Specific examples of his incompetence have been excruciatingly detailed in letters to the editor. He is the biggest threat to democracy in my lifetime (74 this March).

Has Biden lost a step? Most likely, but he’s a good, decent man whose programs have positively impacted millions. Letters to this newspaper have acknowledged both. I fear that the Orange Clown Train in the “do nothing” House and Trump’s enablers in the Senate have a real chance to sweep the 2024 national elections. They’ve no policies or programs – just frivolous investigations, baseless accusations and conspiracy theories. A lifelong Republican, I voted for Biden and will again.

Want to win? Biden and Democrats must act now to: close the border ASAP; stop all aid to Israel ASAP until the killing stops; support Ukraine – Russia is our enemy; stop political infighting; support women’s right to choose; and loudly shout the positive accomplishments since 2021.

What do readers want? Policies and programs that address our real, basic needs, or the emptiness of a never-ending culture war bent on dividing us to stay in office?

J. Edgar (Ed) Moser III

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