When is this newspaper going to apologize to its readers and President Trump? Even after an assassination attempt on Trump, you continue to print letters to the editor filled with nothing but hate for him. Letter writers make multiple accusations of him lying, but there are no facts to support their claims.

I suggest you fire everyone in your newsroom who is not a journalist (that may be about all of them), and hire people who will report the truth. It has been a long time since you reported anything unbiased. You claim to be journalists, you are not, you are nothing more than stenographers for the Democrat Party.

World leaders met Biden and looked into his eyes and found nobody home. That is why Putin went to war in Ukraine, he knew Biden was not to be feared. Putin has even said that he does not know who is running our country; certainly Biden is not.

Let me end by asking that this paper only print the truth, especially about President Trump. He is a true patriot. He is not evil. He is not bent on destroying this country — the Democratic Party is.

Harry White

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