I am a 30-year Maine Sunday Telegram subscriber, and every week when I read your newspaper, I tell my wife, “There is really little news in this paper. I think I’ll cancel it.” My wife points out “but what about all the coupons?” So, for several years now, I have succumbed to my wife’s “coupon excuse” for continuing to receive your paper.

Last week’s Telegram really was the bottom of the barrel for me. In the first section of the paper, two pages had news while six pages had advertising of some sort. The second section, which you have to pick up after you start a story in the first section if you wish to maintain some continuity with the story, had very little, if any, news.

It appears that the newspaper doesn’t want or can’t afford to print national and international news stories. Where was the story about the devastation in Hawaii? Is there just no news on weekends?

The Telegram has become an outdated, almost useless piece of journalism over the past several years.

I’ll continue to work on my wife’s “coupon excuse” and see if I can end this frustration with your paper.

Bernie Filieo


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