STANDISH—The Scots played host to a bevy of other schools on Saturday morning, Feb. 2: Bonny Eagle faced off with teams from Windham/G-NG, Marshwood and Portland/South Portland, picking up some key wins despite being very young.

“I thought we did really well today,” Bonny Eagle head coach Josh Lund said. “We’ve been trying to build this thing as the season’s gone on, and it was a great way to end the season. We had some close matches, and some guys that we’ve been trying to, get ‘em to where they need to be. I think it’ll be a good confidence boost going into Regionals.”

“With what we had, I thought we did all right,” Windham/G-NG head coach John Nicholas said. “We’re missing one of our top guys, who’s injured, but we should have him back for regionals. That kind of put us a little bit in the hole, but the guys we had stepped up.”

Bonny Eagle (40) vs. Windham/G-NG (29)
At 126, Windham/G-NG’s DJ Pelletier logged a trio of takedowns and a couple of near-falls against Bonny Eagler Chris Rankin for a win. At 138, Dustin Brewer (BE) triumphed over Elisha Thompson by piling up a pair of takedowns and a pair of near-falls. At 145, Peter Peterson (Windham/G-NG) bested Martin Worthington on a pair of escapes and a pair of takedowns, while at 152 Owen McDuffie (Windham/G-NG) topped Martin Doucette on four takedowns and an escape. Elsewhere, Morrison Doucette (BE) pinned Kyle Walker at 160 and Andrew Thomas (BE) pinned Andrew Martin at 172. Finally, Tristan Day (who wrestles with BE, but hails from Sacopee Valley) pinned Garrett Allen.

“Since DJ Pelletier has dropped down to 126, he’s really wrestled well,” Nicholas said, asked who had a noteworthy morning for Windham/G-NG. “I think he’s 9-1 since he dropped to 126. That should help him out for Regionals. Owen McDuffie was at 145, we even bumped him up to 152, he’s looking pretty sharp. Those two probably stood out today, mostly, but they’re all working hard.”

Bonny Eagle (30) vs. Marshwood (42)
At 120, Colby Frost (BE) won by pin vs. Sean Moriarty after racking up several takedowns and near-falls. At 126, though, Carson Goodwin (Marshwood) overpowered Rankin for a pin. Similarly, Hawks Liam Coomey, Brandon Sandler and David Spinney pinned Brewer, Worthington and Martin Doucette at 138, 145, and 152 respectively. At 160, Morrison Doucette pinned Jaime Alvarez del Manzano, while at 285, Zach Mercier (Marshwood) pinned Jake Harriman.


Bonny Eagle (45) vs. Portland/South Portland (36)
Scot Caden Frost strung together several takedowns, near-falls and escapes vs. Ali Abdelhassan before defeating him by pin at 106; Hussin Al-Saadi (Portland/South Portland) got the better of Brewer at 138, however, winning by pin as well. Through the middle weight classes, Worthington bested Charlie Salow on a pair of takedowns and a reversal, Martin Doucette pinned Abdullah Abdullah, Zach Elowitch (Portland/South Portland) pinned Morrison Doucette and Thomas pinned Jack Cole. At 220, Day pinned Darrian Darling and at 285, Harriman pinned Harry Degenhardt.

“I think everyone had good matches,” Lund said. “I’m really happy with how our whole team performed. We had some younger guys that have been struggling to get wins and they got some wins today. We’ve been working hard with those guys and trying to piece this thing together as a whole unit, and I think we made strides in the right direction today, for sure.”

Windham/G-NG (30) vs. Marshwood (38)
Marshwood’s Goodwin outscored Pelletier at 126, While Coomey pinned Peterson and McDuffie pinned Sandler. Spinney bested Walker by tech fall, Andrew Martin pinned Alvarez del Manzano, and Dylan Strong (Marshwood) defeated Trent Overcash – another pin.

Windham/G-NG (18) vs. Portland South Portland (49)
At 138, Al-Saadi pinned Peterson, while at 145, McDuffied pinned Salow. Abdullah won over Walker by decision. Elowitch pinned Gabe Gendreau, Andrew Martin pinned Cole and Randy Stone (Portland/South Portland) pinned Overcash. Finally, Darling bested Allen by major decision.

“We lost by eight points to the State Champs, Marshwood,” Nicholas said. “And the Bonny Eagle meet came down to the very last match. So even though we didn’t get the wins that we were hoping for, we were right in the meets.”

“It would have been nice to get a win,” Nicholas went on, “but all our focus now is on Regionals. I told the kids we’ve just got to push as many kids through to States as possible. So we’ve got to have a big week of practice this week. This week’s probably the most important week of the season.”


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Adam Birt can be reached at Follow him on Twitter: @CurrentSportsME

Eli Thompson circles his Bonny Eagle opponent.

Dustin Brewer circles his Windham/G-NG opponent.

Kyle Walker battles at 160 for Windham/G-NG.

Chris Rankin clashes with his Windham/G-NG opponent.


Windham/G-NG’s Andrew Martin goes head-to-head with his BE opponent.

Windham/G-NG’s Peter Petersen sqaures off with Bonny Eagler Martin Worthington.

Bonny Eagle’s Andrew Thomas gets leverage over his Windham/G-NG opponent.

Bonny Eagle’s Jake Harriman battles his Marshwood opponent.

Colby Frost contends with his Marshwood opponent.

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