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  • Published
    June 4, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Readers should do their own research on Russia

    Alan Caron’s May 28 column (“When did we start loving Russians?“) is deeply offensive. I can’t speak for the alt-right, nor would I want to. But I would urge Mr. Caron to lift his head above partisan politics long enough to see that there is actually some controversy about the Russian election “hacking” story. I […]

  • Published
    June 4, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Higher taxes could force businesses out of state

    I am, unhappily, thinking about the new 3 percent Maine surcharge tax on incomes over $200,000. I have a small residential construction company with two employees that I have operated since 1985. My business income is reported on my personal tax return, so, this tax will apply to me. I will be subject to the […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Let humility be major part of mayor’s job description

    Ethan Strimling wants a citizen task force to define his powers as mayor. Where have we heard this lament before? Oh, yeah, from Strimling, who seems to think he’s more important than his job, as defined by the city charter. First, it was a conflict with the city manager, resulting in expensive consultants, costing thousands […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Historical Society gives reason for appreciation

    May I suggest that the name of this feature be changed to “Growl and Gripe”? There was a time when an occasional letter sent by an upbeat individual was published instead of all the doom and gloom sent by armchair world reformers who are largely shrugged off anyway as “just another fruitcake.” So, let’s hear […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Governor’s antics may chase tourists away

    I live in St. Louis, Missouri. Over Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I were contemplating where to vacation this fall. While making dinner, I heard an advertisement on my local radio station for the Maine Office of Tourism and Visit Maine. We have fond memories of a trip to Maine years ago. Acadia was […]

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  • Published
    June 3, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Hate crimes in Portland, Oregon, felt here

    On May 26, in Portland, Oregon, two people, Ricky John Best, 53, and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, 23, were stabbed to death while Micah David-Cole Fletcher, 21, was seriously injured. These three persons stood up to defend two girls on a light-rail train who were being aggressively harassed by an angry man identified as Jeremy Joseph […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Beckon your lawmakers to let the sun shine in

    I do not yet have solar power, but I look forward to its role in reducing the personal and environmental health costs of continued fossil fuels use. I support net metering of solar energy for its ability to reduce the cost of electricity to all ratepayers, if legislated properly. As our legislators work to compose […]

  • Published
    June 2, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Freed inmates will boost workforce, but immigrants also needed

    I applaud Gov. LePage’s decision to release some nonviolent offenders early. His stated objective is to increase the workforce, given Maine’s growing need for workers. This move is also likely to save taxpayer dollars by not having to feed and house some prisoners who are not likely to re-offend. So, why is Gov. LePage so […]

  • Published
    June 2, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Tax reform just a sideshow for Trump’s real priorities

    As I listen to the discussions regarding the changes that Donald Trump wishes to bring about in our country, I find a major lack of any genuine discussion as to what his priorities are. These are far more significant than his tax proposals. Money is never primary. It is secondary. We all know that if […]

  • Published
    June 2, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Protect our democracy at March for Truth in Portland

    On Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m., hundreds of Mainers will come from all over the state to Portland City Hall to attend the March for Truth. The March for Truth demands that our national and state leaders defend the rule of law and fully investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and any ties […]