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  • Published
    November 28, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Heroin crisis requires a multifaceted response

    As a physician, I’ve seen how opiates enslave those who try them even once. I’ve also met people in recovery. Many were fragile and grateful for the second chance. Addiction is a complicated problem that requires our best strategies from mental health, law enforcement, medicine and community support. We need both prevention and treatment. There […]

  • Published
    November 28, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Syrian refugees deserve our compassionate help

    In the 1940s, my father helped sponsor a Japanese architect and woodworker by the name of George Nakashima and his family, who had been in a U.S. internment camp. The Nakashima family moved to a community near us, and Mr. Nakashima started his woodworking shop and later became a world-renowned artisan. During the same decade, […]

  • Published
    November 28, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Unwanted phone calls keep coming despite pleas for help

    I am so tired of getting unwanted telephone calls even though our number is on the federal do-not-call list. This is a high price to pay for the breakup of the national telephone system. There is something wrong when you cannot get help or relief when you complain to the telephone companies, the Public Utilities […]

  • Published
    November 27, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Advocates for refugees strut, preen and profit

    There are no objectively compelling reasons to allow Syrian refugees into the country. Sept. 11, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Paris massacres and countless other smaller atrocities demonstrate there are some compelling reasons to keep them out. Those advocating continued inflows of migrants do so either out of pecuniary interest or to strike a moral […]

  • Published
    November 27, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Be thankful, but remember reality of nation’s founding

    What bothers me about Thanksgiving isn’t what it says but what it doesn’t say. I’m 100 percent in favor of giving thanks and having gratitude in our daily lives. But the story usually doesn’t mention that the colonizers would not have survived without the generosity of the Natives they found here. The story also does […]

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  • Published
    November 27, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Mainers should demand that LePage be prosecuted

    Re: “Maine Voices: LePage’s alleged action against Eves should be in prosecutor’s hands” (Nov. 23): Kudos to the author, David Jenny, a lawyer who is honest and not afraid to speak the truth. No one, no matter what their position, should be above the law. It is time to let both the Kennebec County district […]

  • Published
    November 27, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Portland should reconsider allegiance to slippery bricks

    “Amen!” to Shoshana Hoose’s critique of Portland’s brick sidewalks (“Portland’s historic brick sidewalks may be charming, but they are not safe,” Nov. 22). I have lived in houses with asphalt sidewalks. I now have a brick sidewalk and live in a neighborhood with a patchwork quilt of asphalt and brick. Here’s what I’ve experienced. Bricks […]

  • Published
    November 27, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Munjoy Hill sign welcoming refugees sparks memorable encounter

    Relative to your Nov. 23 article on the Munjoy Hill sign (“Welcome to refugees sparks comments,” Page B1): We were walking by last Thursday night on the way to the theater when we came upon five young people writing on the sign hung on the side of the house. We asked them if they’d put […]

  • Published
    November 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Don’t vilify developers who play by city’s rules

    Your headline on one of the articles in your “No Vacancy” series – “Pain and joy of development: Renovation leaves tenant homeless, while couple builds dream condo on Munjoy Hill,” Nov. 15 – clearly suggests that a particular condominium project on Munjoy Hill has left a former tenant homeless. However, it’s clear from the article […]

  • Published
    November 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Embrace alternative energy; plant trees to fight climate change

    Battling ocean acidification and CO2-related climate change simply requires industrial complexes to wean the world of fossil fuel energy, plus a worldwide campaign to plant billions of trees. Fields not used to grow food should be planted with trees. All trees that are cut down should be replaced by new saplings. Buildings shaded by deciduous […]