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  • Published
    November 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: The quest for a perfect lawn shouldn’t include pesticides

    A big “thank you” to Robert King for his wonderful Nov. 11 letter regarding the dangers of polluting lawns in our environment (“To encourage native plants and insects, let’s grow wildflowers instead of grass”). As bee keepers, we have virtually let most of our grass turn into wildflowers without any nurturing whatsoever. Thank God there […]

  • Published
    November 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Nemitz column on savoring time is a touching piece

    I have long been a fan of one of the best writers, thinkers and champions of truth, justice and the American way. Bill Nemitz’s Nov. 1 column (“Savor time because it waits for no one”) touched my heart and broke through to my brain in more ways than any written expression in a long time. […]

  • Published
    November 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Opposition to refugees is a disgrace

    It is disheartening to see so many people opposed to accepting Syrian refugees. These are people who face a Paris-like tragedy regularly. These are people who experience bombings, shootings, and chemical warfare; who have seen hundreds of thousands of their fellow Syrians brutally slaughtered. While security concerns are valid, the United States already has an […]

  • Published
    November 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Gun owners should face same controls as proposed for Muslims

    A modest proposal: Gun owners should be subject to the same strict limitations as some people have proposed for Muslims, including profiling, special IDs, surveillance and internment. All of the mass-murdering attacks, foreign and domestic, have been carried out by people with guns; some gun owners express violent and rebellious ideologies, and current measures have […]

  • Published
    November 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Metro bus driver a great ambassador for Portland

    About 10:30 a.m. on Oct. 27, we were among a disappointed group of passengers from the cruise ship Serenade of the Seas who, because of the cancellation of a sightseeing tour, decided to take a No. 8 Portland Metro bus in the hope that we would still see something of the city. As we shuffled […]

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  • Published
    November 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Obama drops his cool persona when it comes to Republicans

    It is always interesting to witness our cool, calm, sophisticated president comment on current events. While reporting on the terrorist attack in Paris, in which over 120 people were killed and hundreds were injured, he calmly speaks of this “terrible … setback” and assures the nation that if we will just be patient, his nuanced […]

  • Published
    November 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: If LePage calls National Guard, it should build treatment centers

    If what we really need is more addiction treatment centers, and Gov. LePage wants to bring in the Maine Army National Guard, I think the engineers in the National Guard can help address the lack of such facilities. They would be honored to work on a positive solution to help the state in a very […]

  • Published
    November 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Put down the smartphone and try real socializing

    NBC’s “Nightly News” concluded one recent evening with a piece suggesting that kids are spending too much time on phones and social media. Ya think? A social media darling wept into her device claiming that “it’s not real!” and that “I took over 100 (selfies) to make sure (her) stomach looked right … .” Horrible! […]

  • Published
    November 24, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Saddened by demolition of St. Patrick church in Portland

    What a shame it is to witness the demolition of the iconic St. Patrick church. Opened in 1964, it has had a short life. It was not only a place of worship, but also a place that created memories for many of its parishioner families, from weddings to funerals, etc. It was a catalyst to […]

  • Published
    November 24, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Blocking certain ethnicities from entering U.S. is blatant racism

    In last Tuesday’s editorial (“Our View: LePage exploits fear with Syrian refugee ban”), you opined that Gov. LePage and the far right in general – Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, et al. – are fear mongering when they spew their anti-immigrant rhetoric regarding Syrian and other Middle Eastern people entering our country. As you […]