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  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Vote with heart and conscience for Eliot Cutler

    I got into this about a year ago. Last fall my girlfriend and I were sitting by the fire drinking wine and lamenting about all things Maine – the long winter we were faced with, the lack of creative, collaborative and entrepreneurial leadership at the state level, and the general lack of opportunity that existed […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Lovell’s experience, fiscal prudence recommend him for York County commissioner

    I am writing in support of Republican Marston Lovell for District 3 York County commissioner. As a former city councilor, school board member and mayor, I have had the opportunity to work with Mr. Lovell for a number of years and in a variety of areas. He is a thoughtful leader, a good listener who […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Republican throws support to North Yarmouth Democrat Graham

    My Republican persuasion notwithstanding, I wholeheartedly support Democrat Anne Graham as state representative. I first met Anne in church and got to know her as a conscientious person who has the best interests of the state and town of North Yarmouth in mind. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner and on the faculty of St. […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: It’s time to establish fair chase bear hunting in Maine

    Question 1 doesn’t seek to end the Maine tradition of hunting – it aims to restore the fair-chase component and maintain hunting as a sport, not a mousetrap. TV ads by the “No on 1” camp, featuring Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife employees, claim that passing Question 1 could be a threat to our […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: In contrast with Collins, Bellows would stand up for environment

    Congress must listen to the 400,000 who joined the People’s Climate March in New York City on Sept. 21. Worldwide, over 700,000 demonstrated, in the largest climate rally in history. We can’t keep recycling the same old incumbents. Republican Sen. Susan Collins’ record shows that she’s no leader on climate change. She’s voted against green […]

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  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: We must allow wildlife to live and die with dignity

    During the last seven years, I’ve been venturing into Maine’s northern forest with my camera and journal at my side. This wilderness flows through my veins. I explore these woods to study and photograph wildlife, including the black bear, and do so without using bait, traps or dogs. I choose not to use these unethical […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Vote with the heart to end shameful bear hunting practices

    Many of us are not buying this “listen to our wildlife biologists” argument. And I can’t imagine in my wildest dreams why anyone would be OK with allowing bears to be trapped, hounded and baited, all in the name of a “fun” sport. Where is the fun in knowing that every year in our Maine […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Sen. Collins strives to cover up voting record, pledge to run only once

    In watching Susan Collins strive to cover up her record in order to fool people into voting for her one more time, I recall a pledge that she made when running for the U.S. Senate the first time: Susan Collins pledged that she would only serve one term. We can see how she kept her […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Shenna Bellows would serve Maine well on domestic, foreign matters

    Stephen King’s Oct. 21 column (“Shenna Bellows will be a voice for struggling Mainers”) nails it: Democrat Shenna Bellows is one of us and as U.S. senator would vote to increase the minimum wage and otherwise serve the interests of working people. Susan Collins would show up for votes, vote against increasing the minimum wage […]

  • Published
    October 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Maine wildlife agency can’t be trusted on bear baiting

    Trusted to preserve our northern whitetail herd, our Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Department presided over its collapse due to loss of wintering habitat, and refused to admit it for fear of losing nonresident deer hunting fees. Trusted to preserve Maine’s wild freshwater fishery, IF&W stood by while pristine native brook trout ponds became infested with […]