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  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: We must allow wildlife to live and die with dignity

    During the last seven years, I’ve been venturing into Maine’s northern forest with my camera and journal at my side. This wilderness flows through my veins. I explore these woods to study and photograph wildlife, including the black bear, and do so without using bait, traps or dogs. I choose not to use these unethical […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Vote with the heart to end shameful bear hunting practices

    Many of us are not buying this “listen to our wildlife biologists” argument. And I can’t imagine in my wildest dreams why anyone would be OK with allowing bears to be trapped, hounded and baited, all in the name of a “fun” sport. Where is the fun in knowing that every year in our Maine […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Sen. Collins strives to cover up voting record, pledge to run only once

    In watching Susan Collins strive to cover up her record in order to fool people into voting for her one more time, I recall a pledge that she made when running for the U.S. Senate the first time: Susan Collins pledged that she would only serve one term. We can see how she kept her […]

  • Published
    November 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Shenna Bellows would serve Maine well on domestic, foreign matters

    Stephen King’s Oct. 21 column (“Shenna Bellows will be a voice for struggling Mainers”) nails it: Democrat Shenna Bellows is one of us and as U.S. senator would vote to increase the minimum wage and otherwise serve the interests of working people. Susan Collins would show up for votes, vote against increasing the minimum wage […]

  • Published
    October 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Maine wildlife agency can’t be trusted on bear baiting

    Trusted to preserve our northern whitetail herd, our Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Department presided over its collapse due to loss of wintering habitat, and refused to admit it for fear of losing nonresident deer hunting fees. Trusted to preserve Maine’s wild freshwater fishery, IF&W stood by while pristine native brook trout ponds became infested with […]

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  • Published
    October 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Ideas, integrity and class – Michaud is obvious choice

    When you shake Democrat Mike Michaud’s hand, you know you’re in the grip of a working man. It’s a lumberjack grip, from the hand of a guy who has shouldered through his own path in life and politics. He’s a third-generation millworker and a card-carrying member of the United Steelworkers who famously first entered politics […]

  • Published
    October 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Hunters and trappers know best: Vote down Question 1

    Had I not had the privilege of knowing well-regarded hunters and trappers while growing up in Connecticut and New York state, I, too, might have fallen for the propaganda put forth by the urbanites and out-of-state do-gooders. The men and women I knew – the hunters and trappers – were by far the most knowledgeable […]

  • Published
    October 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Don’t legalize marijuana; it already harms young people

    As a citizen of South Portland and an educator, I would like to express my opinion on the upcoming referendum in our city to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. I strongly oppose the referendum for a number of reasons. During my teaching and coaching career, I have witnessed an increase in the use of […]

  • Published
    October 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: LePage brave, determined, does what’s good for Maine

    Happily, Gov. Paul LePage isn’t a gentle, soft-spoken man who has been preening himself to eventually go to Washington, as many of our governors of the past 30 years have done. He can be rough around the edges, but more importantly, he cares about Maine and is willing to make the hard and unpopular choices […]

  • Published
    October 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Cutler has shown qualities that make a good governor

    Independent Eliot Cutler is Maine-focused and nondogmatic, with a good head on his shoulders and a steady, warm fire in his belly. He: • Is a leader, not a pusher. • Puts his money where his mouth is. • Has ideas to make Maine attractive to young people from here or away. • Has a […]