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  • Published
    August 11, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Beach to Beacon runners’ records further clarified

    In the July 31 pre-race article, “Shalane Flanagan’s back for Beach to Beacon, after 15 years,” Glenn Jordan mentioned Flanagan’s 10,000-meter American women’s record of 30:22.22. Readers may have been confused by the yellow text box later in the article that listed her 10K personal best as 31:41. Both times are correct; Flanagan’s 10,000-meter American […]

  • Published
    August 11, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Biddeford YMCA should add handicapped-accessible parking spaces

    The YMCA is an admirable organization that has improved the lives of many people, young and old, for decades. However, there are always problems in any organization, and the YMCA of Southern Maine branch in Biddeford has a severe lack of handicapped-accessible parking for its seniors and other members for whom such parking is essential. […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Merit pay poisons school atmosphere

    Regarding the letter from David Larsen (“Teachers’ pay should be based on performance,” July 20): He has not taken into account that the atmosphere among a faculty is apt to be poisoned by those who curry favor and denigrate others in order to elevate themselves and their ideas. As a retired teacher, I have seen […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2014

    Letter to the editor: LePage deserves praise for plan to boost hydropower

    Kudos to Gov. LePage (“LePage plan could give dormant dams new life,” July 29). It’s about time that we look at the benefits of hydropower. I hope that whatever is proposed, it includes a provision for Mainers receiving the power we need from our resources first before it can be sold to anyone else. Patricia […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Kudos to composting story but not for its one error

    On July 13, I was thrilled to see Matt Hongoltz-Hetling’s article introducing all of us to Geoff Hill, one of Maine’s Master Composters, who was trained by taking a University of Maine Cooperative Extension course (“Meet Geoff Hill, Maine’s Master Composter”). It is great to have Master Composters advocating for recycling organic materials through composting […]

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  • Published
    August 10, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Garden clubs connect kids to healthier eating habits

    I was so pleased to read the recent article about garden clubs for kids (“Meet Stephanie O’Neil, founder of garden clubs for children”, Aug. 3), because I know first-hand how important that type of exposure is long-term. When I was growing up, my mom kept a good-sized garden, and she enlisted my brother and me […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Cutler’s has right skills to move state forward

    I want to remind the voters of Maine that each of us is directly impacted by the individual we elect to lead us. I believe that Eliot Cutler displays the ethics, experience and energy needed. He recognizes how vital it is for Maine to move forward in education, talent recruitment and implementation of planning to […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2014

    Letter to the editor: North Cairn’s insights will be missed

    Gracious, I miss North Cairn! It seems only yesterday that this newspaper friend came into my life and allowed me a personal view, somewhat like seeing her forest retreat through the cells of my antique stereoscope. She, through a unique selection of words and phrases, shared with us, her viewers, the woodland textures, smells and […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2014

    Letter to the editor: If anti-LePage vote stays home, he’ll win in November

    Michael Cuzzi’s incisive column (“Cutler or Michaud? Voters will decide who ousts Gov. LePage,” Maine Sunday Telegram, July 13) places the three-way gubernatorial race in its proper perspective. Gov. LePage’s campaign for re-election is moot. His tea party base remains intact and will vote for him as a solid bloc regardless of his past dubious […]

  • Published
    August 9, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Cellphones just one of many distractions

    Re: “Maine launches effort to curb distracted driving” (Aug. 5): It’s not only a text or call that could wreck it all. We were stunned to see a woman on Interstate 295 on Tuesday night who seemed not at all distracted by her driving as she looked in the mirror and plucked her chin hairs. […]