“The people (voters) have spoken.” Democracy works – except, it seems, in South Portland.

There, the people have decided that the fear, uncertainty and doubt regarding so-called tar sands (oil is oil, no matter what is the medium contained within) are, on balance, overshadowed by the benefit of heightened oil transport.

They have also considered South Portland’s history, built largely on oil commerce, which should support a lot more through the proven transport provided by the Portland Pipe Line and large tankers so beneficially over the years. This would generate revenue, grow our great Port of Portland and assist our Canadian neighbors in delivering critical oil at fair-market (versus OPEC) prices to the world.

Through oil, we can enjoy a redux of commerce with Canada with valued new transport of Canada’s oil riches.

The people in their collective wisdom have weighed it, counterbalanced benefit with downside and said, “Let’s support this boon resource we have access to today. We’ll not be producing it or refining it, only playing a larger role in the world oil economy and perhaps by being a key part of that supply chain achieve some offshoot benefits in oil costs to assist our energy-starved position as a state.”

But by passing a development moratorium, South Portland officials have determined that they know better than the citizens, forgotten about city history and decided to reverse the will of the people. This is so terribly hard to believe or understand in a nation built on industry, commerce and democratic principles.


I must call this misaction an affront to citizen respect and achievement of the greater good. It has no place in good governance. May government finally serve the people and their voted wishes.

R. Ted Laguerre



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