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  • Published
    December 10, 2015

    Interactive charts: recent data show uptick in Maine’s greenhouse gas emissions

    Maine's greenhouse gas pollution is generally trending downward, but increasing pollution from motor vehicles – the biggest source of the problem – could wipe out recent gains from renewable energy and more efficient buildings.

  • Published
    October 22, 2015

    Maine Voices: POWER Act good for Maine businesses

    The tax-incentive legislation aims to improve energy efficiency and resiliency.

  • Published
    September 16, 2015

    Interactive: Wind power’s growth in Maine, 2007-2016

    In the years since the state's first wind farm opened on Mars Hill, wind power has grown considerably as a source of electricity in Maine.

  • Published
    June 12, 2014

    Orono energy startup raises $1.5M

  • Published
    June 10, 2014

    Two Maine startups vying for $250K in Silicon Valley’s Cleantech Open

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  • Published
    July 30, 2012

    New England, Canada vow energy cooperation

    A conference in Vermont focuses on efforts to improve the production and use of clean energy.

  • Published
    March 15, 2011

    New energy chief is named

    AUGUSTA — A consultant, former pulp and paper executive, and state lawmaker has been tapped to lead the Maine Office of Energy Independence and Security. Gov. Paul LePage announced yesterday that Kenneth Fletcher will lead the office, which aims to increase the use of sustainable indigenous and renewable resources while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. LePage […]

  • Published
    January 18, 2011

    Energy conservation industrymay be losing steam in Maine

    Growing demand for home insulation projects last year led Hallowell-based Sustainable Structures to add nine workers, more than doubling its work force. The building and energy services firm needs three more installers, said Curry Caputo, but it has stopped hiring.<br><br> A partner at the company, Caputo knows the federal stimulus money that helped homeowners pay for weatherization is almost all spent. Sizing up Maine's new state government, he doesn't expect the level of support for energy conservation that was a hallmark of the Baldacci years.<br><br> "We are all a little concerned about the future of efficiency funding in Maine," said Caputo, president of the Maine Association of Building Efficiency Professionals. "It's all having a cooling effect on our industry and the momentum we've gained."