high-speed internet
PublishedSeptember 20, 2023
BoomerTECH Adventures: Maine leads in connecting learning and technology
PublishedJune 26, 2023
Maine will get $272 million in federal funds to expand broadband
More than $42 billion has been allocated nationwide to expand high-speed internet access, and Maine's share is the largest of any state in New England.
PublishedJune 21, 2023
Low-income Americans benefit from cheap internet. So do Comcast and Charter.
While both Republicans and Democrats agree that connecting more people to broadband is a worthy cause, intense partisan fights over debt and spending suggest the program could fail to win renewal from Congress.
PublishedJune 14, 2023
Maine wants to use $200 million to expand broadband access, starting where it’s needed most
The state is deciding how to use federal funds for improving high-speed internet access, and wants public input on some of the priorities that have been identified so far.
PublishedMay 9, 2023
Consolidated Communications expanding fiber-optic network to 18,000 in Brunswick area
The company said it's spending $14 million to expand its high-speed internet service in Brunswick, Topsham, Harpswell, Freeport, Durham and Bowdoinham.
PublishedApril 10, 2023
Rural Bath group asks City Council for $75K to expand high-speed internet
Rural Bath residents want to build a $1.6 million fiber-optic network to connect 500 homes and businesses.