PublishedMay 26, 2019
Letter to the editor: Maine Voices author exaggerates threat posed by guns
In Karin Leuthy’s Maine Voices column of May 22 (“Augusta fails to recognize that gun injuries, deaths are a public safety crisis”), she decries the ownership of guns as a public menace, using deaths by suicide (using guns) as an example of why we should reduce the number. Would she prefer the far more painful […]
PublishedMay 26, 2019
Letter to the editor: Enough has been spent on war – what about a Peace Academy?
The monuments around our country are testimony to our inability to sustain nonaggression, a World War II combat veteran says.
PublishedMay 25, 2019
Letter to the editor: Maine drug-importation program would have federal safeguards
I am writing concerning the May 18 letter (“Drug importation lacks protections for patients“) in which Robyn M. Boerstling responded to an op-ed in support of L.D. 1272, a bill that will establish a safe and effective program of wholesale importation for lower-cost drugs. This program follows the model I wrote working with the Portland-based […]
PublishedMay 25, 2019
Letter to the editor: Further city waterfront restrictions won’t benefit fishermen
People who fish for a living need new berthing, enhanced branding, higher catch prices and a vibrant local economy.
PublishedMay 24, 2019
Letter to the editor: Sen. Collins steps up for BIW – why not for hungry kids?
Re: “Federal watchdog flags issues with warships” (May 18, Page B1): Living in a shipbuilding state, I’ve often wondered if Bath Iron Works could build one less warship and use the money to feed Maine’s hungry families. Turns out it would be a good idea, based on a story by Staff Writer Peter McGuire in […]
PublishedMay 23, 2019
Letter to the editor: CMP power line will contribute to shrinking of region’s carbon footprint
Global warming is the existential crises of our time. The 2018 U.N. climate report states that we need to reduce our carbon emissions by 45 percent below 2010 levels by 2030 and 100 percent below 2010 levels by 2050! We accomplish these goals only if we make massive, transformative changes throughout the world and here […]
PublishedMay 23, 2019
Letter to the editor: McConnell could do much more to clear the air
Re: “McConnell introduces bill making legal smoking age 21” (May 21, Page A2): How ironic that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell demonstrates his concern for the health consequences of teenage smoking while sitting on his hands as the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency guts the Clean Air Act and the Clean Power Plan, actions that […]
PublishedMay 23, 2019
Letter to the editor: CMP has been a good neighbor in Pownal
I am a retired selectman in Pownal. When I was on the board, I oversaw the tax assessing and, among many other duties, worked with the Planning Board on Central Maine Power projects, and I’d like to express support for New England Clean Energy Connect. I always found CMP to be very accommodating. They listened […]