Folks ready to fire up their outdoor grill on Memorial Day face a deadly choice of inflicting food poisoning or cancer on family and friends: food poisoning by E. coli and salmonella bacteria, if they undercook the meat; cancer, if they heat meat to the point of creating cancer-causing compounds.

Luckily, a bunch of enterprising food manufacturers and processors have met this challenge head-on by developing a great variety of healthful, delicious, and convenient veggie burgers and soy dogs.

These delicious plant-based foods don’t harbor nasty pathogens or cancer-causing compounds.

They don’t even carry cholesterol, saturated fats, drugs, or pesticides. And, they are available in the frozen food section at most supermarkets and natural food stores everywhere.

Check out the array of alternative cheese and mayonnaise substitutes, delicious and cholesterol free, in the refrigerated section, too.

This Memorial Day offers a superb opportunity to consign meat to a bad memory and make new memories by sharing wholesome veggie options that are better for you and your family and friends.

Paul Mahn



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