It’s unacceptable that retirees are faced with liquidating their savings and handing the money over to profit-driven institutions. We need a new standard for long-term care.

As a former nursing home certified nursing assistant, I know the lack of adequate care in these environments. I spent years in nursing homes running around trying to adequately feed and toilet everyone. There wasn’t staffing to focus on quality of life, assistance with walking or a 10-minute conversation.

These are places where people’s bodies and minds atrophy quickly, while the corporations that run them make millions. Those pouring money into the “No on 1” campaign are those same large entities; their directors are among the top 2.6 percent of Mainers who would be affected by the tax.

Seniors and people with disabilities deserve to stay in their homes, and long-term care standards should be determined by invested parties whose primary concern is exceptional care – not profit. Vote “yes” on Question 1.

Alison Coffinbarger


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