As health care providers in our schools and community we believe in primary prevention with vaccinations. Overwhelming data proves that vaccines are safe, effective and protect the health of all.

Maine has the fourth-highest rate of vaccine opt-outs in the nation. This put our schools and community immunity below the safe threshold for outbreaks of disease. High rates of non-medical vaccine exemptions (philosophical or religious) put vulnerable people at risk. The current law that is set to start in 2021 upholds the decisions by MDs, DOs, NPs and PAs to grant exemptions to those for whom vaccination is medically inadvisable.

We urge you to vote No on 1 on March 3 to help protect public health.

MaryBeth Bachman RN
Jean Barbour RN
Kellie Schimelman RN
Lindsay Wissink RN
Charles de Sieyes MD

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