We are quite offended by the condescending remarks from Portland (“In Unity, idea to house asylum seekers in dorms divides a town,” July 2). Yes, the community dealt with 600 students for years, but the students had structure and purpose.

I ask: What structure will be set up for immigrants? Will they be educated in their new culture? Will the college grounds be cared for, or allowed to become trashed or damaged? Jobs? Where? Farms? Immigrants currently have to wait five months to qualify to apply for work. If they came tomorrow, that puts them into December. Not making sense.

I think the biggest issue we have is that there has not been a detailed, formal plan presented. It is unfair to make unkind statements about the community of Unity when no proposal or outline on what exactly will occur has been presented. People are concerned about that, and rightfully so.

If immigrants are temporary, what is their exit date? Where will they go from here? And will they leave and another group come in? Infrastructure to care for them does not exist at this time. Clear guidance on what the plan will be is only fair.

I invite these Portland folks who are pushing this to come up here and see if what they are proposing is right.

Debbie Loffer

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