This month’s message from Enterprise Grange #48

by: Ann Page

SAVE THE RICHMOND GRANGE – Granges have always been a vital part of rural communities since their inception. This year marks the 156th Annual Convention for the National Grange. Every Grange is non-Partisan and one in which mutual responsibility to each other, the community, state, and nation is recognized. The very atmosphere and purpose of the grange has a living, dynamic influence.


The Grange strengthens individuals, families and communities through grassroots action, service, education, advocacy and agriculture awareness.

Richmond Enterprise Grange #48 has a unique history tied to the town. The building, originally seated on the Kennebec served as a ship’s chandlery to the industry. In the late 1800’s the building was purchased and moved from the river to the village via logs placed under its foundation while teams of horses pulled it up Main Street to its new local.

Richmond is intent on saving their Grange. The second floor of the building houses a spectacular theater space badly in need of restoration. Of late new a new roof and windows were installed. In a few months needed structural repair and new electrical wiring is scheduled. Needed funding remains for: a new kitchen, front and side entrance and siding.

Donations for this ongoing project are appreciated at the non-profit fundraiser: under Enterprise Grange #48. The title is: Save the Grange

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