Of all the candidates running for Portland City Council District 5, Marpheen Chann has the right temperament to do the job. He understands some have opposing views and actively listens and engages with them to find common ground.

Being a city councilor requires that kind of level-headed approach. A councilor should not be quick to anger, impatient or dismissive of other viewpoints.

A councilor should also be mindful that they will be pressured and pulled in many different directions. That requires someone calm, cool and collected and willing to cut through the noise.

Marpheen has consistently shown that he does the homework on the issues and, unlike some of his opponents, hasn’t brushed them aside to avoid ruffling feathers.

Marpheen is thoughtful and levelheaded. He’s an active listener who is energetic and engaging and has a resilience and patience about him that make him well qualified to be the next District 5 city councilor.

William Shriner


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