I think the Portland Press Herald should be ashamed of publishing letters that state something as fact, when any well-informed editor knows it is not (“Trump backer accepts Biden, ponders future,” by Ralph Wallace, Jan. 19, Page A10).

To state as fact that the Democrats will now control all three branches of government is absolutely, categorically, false! We can all agree that the Constitution established three branches of government, but to think they are the president, the House and the Senate, somebody didn’t listen very well in U.S. history class.

Just for anyone who believed the so-called facts in the letter I am referring to: The three branches of government in the United States are the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch. The Democrats do not control all three!

Let’s try another one: To state as fact that big tech is censoring conservative speech is only correct if you define conservative speech as glorification of violence, or spreading conspiracy theories with no basis in truth. Perhaps the writer has a different definition of conservative than what most of us know.

I have no problem with people stating their opinions on the Opinion page, but when they incorrectly state facts, it is the duty of a responsible news organization to either not publish it unless it’s revised to reflect truth, or add a footnote that corrects it. Otherwise, the Press Herald is complicit in spreading false information.

No offense to the misinformed, “unabashedly Republican” writer.

Steve Smith

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