Maine Republican Party Executive Director Jason Savage is claiming, essentially, that “Janet Mills is teaching Maine kids that people who say ‘MAGA’ are racists!” He is attributing to her brief comments in the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine’s online diversity teacher training module.

Here’s the truth: A significant faction in the Make America Great Again movement is not only covertly but also overtly racist. Groups like the Oath Keepers and QAnon feel an affinity with Donald Trump’s patriotic MAGA message. Members of these fringe groups are seeking office because of MAGA rhetoric. Conservative media outlets promote the white “replacement theory.” No one in the MAGA universe stands strongly against these incendiary voices.

It is convenient for Mr. Savage and, by default, Paul LePage – a fierce Trump ally – to ignore the racists among them. Trump’s MAGA movement has provided hate groups a very public and powerful platform. And Democrat Mills would show great courage to speak this clear truth to all Mainers.

Jo Trafford

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