Trio Sefardi will perform alongside the documentary “La Nona Kanta,” about the life of Flory Jagoda and the descendants of Jews exiled from Spain in 1492, at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, at the Maine Jewish Museum in Portland. Contributed / Mayo Street Arts
Monday 11/13 & Tuesday 11/14
Standup Comedy Showcase: 7 p.m., The Hill Arts, 76 Congress St., Portland. $15 advance, $20 at door. thehillarts.me
The Char and Cher Drag Show: 8:30 p.m., first Wednesday, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. flasklounge.com
Through 11/11
“Wild Mercy”: Amy Kustra, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, Meetinghouse Arts, 40 Main St., Freeport. meetinghousearts.org
Through 11/24
“How Do I Look”: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays, Elizabeth Moss Galleries, 100 Fore St., Portland. elizabethmossgalleries.com
Through 11/26
“Serenity”: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily, Richard Boyd Art Gallery, 15 Epps St., Portland. richardboydpottery.com
Through 11/27
“Aqueous”: Anne Scheer, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays-Saturdays, Falmouth Memorial Library, 5 Lunt Road, Falmouth. falmouthmemoriallibrary.org
Through 12/2
“Flights of Fancy”: Emily Blaschke and Missy Dunaway, Merrill Memorial Library, 215 Main St., Yarmouth. yarmouthlibrary.org
“Spiritual Ecology, Part 1”: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, 15 Middle St., Portland. mainemuseumofphotographicarts.org
Through 1/31
“Art of Penobscot Bay”: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays, noon to 5 p.m. Sundays, Thos. Moser, 149 Main St., Freeport. thosmoser.com
Maine Art Collective: 157 Middle St., Portland. maineartcollective.com
Friday 11/10
“Advice For Girls: An All-Women Ski Film”: 7 p.m., O’Maine Studios, 54 Danforth St., Portland. $20. adviceforgirlsfilm.com
“Warren Miller’s All Time” (2023): 7:30 p.m., State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland. $24 advance, $26 at door. statetheatreportland.com
Monday 11/13
“Graphic Means” (2016): 7 p.m., Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. Free, reservation required. space538.org
Wednesday 11/15
“Invisible” (2005): Native American Film Series, 5:30 p.m., Freeport Community Library, 10 Library Drive, Freeport. freeportmaine.libcal.com
Friday 11/17
“Nice People” (2023): 3:30 p.m., Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. $9. space538.org
Apohadion Theater: 107 Hanover St., Portland. theapohadiontheater.com
Merrill Film Society: Watch movies on your own and join a Zoom discussion. Email Mike at mcarnes@yarmouthlibrary.org for an invitation. yarmouthlibrary.org
Friday 11/10
Lewiston Strong Benefit Concert: 8 p.m., Aura, 121 Center St., Portland. $18-$25. auramaine.com
Saturday 11/11
Rock and Roll Playhouse: Bob Marley for kids, noon, Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $15 advance, $17 day-of, free under age 1. portlandhouseofmusic.com
“La Nona Kanta”: Concert and documentary on Flory Jagoda, 7 p.m., Maine Jewish Museum, 267 Congress St., Portland. $15 advance, $18 at door. mayostreetarts.org
Jeremy Zucker: 7:30 p.m., State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland. $25 advance, $30 at door. statetheatreportland.com
Carbon Leaf: 8 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $35 advance, $40 day-of. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Kaleta & Super Yamba Band, Altered Gee: 8 p.m., Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. $22 advance, $27 at door. space538.org
Sunday 11/12
Bulgarika: 5 p.m., Mayo Street Arts, 10 Mayo St., Portland. mayostreetarts.org
Pine Tree Pickers: 6 p.m., The Hill Arts, 76 Congress St., Portland. $22 advance, $26 at door. thehillarts.me
Mipso, Kate Rhudy: 8 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $20 advance, $25 day-of. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Monday 11/13
Rayland Baxter: 8:30 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $25 advance, $30 day-of. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Tuesday 11/14
GEL: 8 p.m., Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. $20 advance, $25 at door. space538.org
Wednesday 11/15
Sparxsea, John Hughes Radio: Lewiston shooting victims’ benefit, 8 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $10 advance, $15 day-of. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Thursday 11/16
Molly Tuttle: 8 p.m., Aura, 121 Center St., Portland. $30-$40. auramaine.com
Portland Jazz Orchestra: 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., Portland. $7 advance, $10 adults, $7 seniors, $5 students at door. onelongfellowsquare.com
Friday 11/17
Gina and the Red Eye Flight Crew: 9:30 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $15 advance, $20 day-of. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Musicians Circle: 3-5 p.m., Wednesdays, Scarborough Community Center, 418 Payne Road, Scarborough. 730-4150, comserv@scarboroughmaine.org
Rob Carpenter: 6 p.m., Fridays, Byrnes’ Irish Pub, 16 Station Ave., Brunswick. byrnesirishpub.com
Open jazz session: 7 p.m., Wednesdays, Blue, 650A Congress St., Portland. portcityblue.com
Flask Retro Party: 8 p.m., every last Saturday, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. $5. flasklounge.com
Friday DJ: 8 p.m., Fridays, O’Donoghue’s Pub, 103 Pleasant St., Brunswick. facebook.com/ODonoghuesPubBrunswickMe
“Monday of the Minds”: Hip hop open mic, 8 p.m., Mondays, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. 21-plus. flasklounge.com
Stereo Dreams: Open mic, 8 p.m., every first Wednesday, Sun Tiki Studios, 375 Forest Ave., Portland. suntikistudios.com
Open DJ Night: 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. flasklounge.com
Live Music: 9 p.m., Fridays, Sea Dog Brewing Company, 125 Western Ave., South Portland. seadogbrewing.com
Karaoke: 10 p.m., Thursdays, Sea Dog Brewing Company, 125 Western Ave., South Portland. seadogbrewing.com
Thursday 11/9-Saturday 11/11
“The 39 Steps”: 7:30 p.m., Pickard Theater, Memorial Hall, Bowdoin College, 1 Bath Road, Brunswick. Free, reservation required. bowdointickets.universitytickets.com
Through 11/11
“Anonymous: a tale of Mary Shelley”: 7 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday, The Studio Theatre, 25A Forest Ave., Portland. $25. eventbrite.com
Through 11/12
“The Realistic Joneses”: 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, The Theater Project, 14 School St., Brunswick. $22, $18 students and seniors, $12 children. theaterproject.com
Sunday 11/12
The Rainbow Beard Show: 4 p.m., Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. $12 advance $5 children; $14 at door, $7 children. For ages under 10. space538.org
Wednesday 11/15-Sunday 12/10
“White”: 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays, 2 p.m. Dec. 10, Mad Horse Theatre, 24 Mosher St., South Portland. Pay-what-you-can. madhorse.com
Thursday 11/16-Sunday 11/19
“Mean Girls the Musical”: 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Cape Elizabeth High School, 343 Ocean House Road, Cape Elizabeth. $15, $5 children. cehstheaterboosters.com
Through 11/18
“Romancin’ Go Round”: 7:30 p.m. Fridays, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturdays, Footlights Theatre, 190 Route 1, Falmouth. $20. thefootlightstheatre.com
Through 11/19
“Broadway, Twin Piano Edition”: 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Friday, 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, The Hill Arts, 76 Congress St., Portland. goodtheater.com
Balderdash Academy On The Air: 7-9 p.m., monthly, The Hill Arts, 76 Congress St., Portland. $15 advance, $20 at door. thehillarts.me
Open Stage: 6 p.m., last Friday, Three of Strong Spirits distillery, 35B Diamond St., Portland. threeofstrongspirits.com
Teller’s Garden First Friday Performances: 6:30 p.m., first Friday, Portland Media Center, 516 Congress St., Portland. $15, $10 seniors. facebook.com/TellersGarden
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