For some parents, the beginning of this school year will mark a major change in their own lives: their children will no longer be full-time residents at the house.

Julia and I are going through this process ourselves right now. We dropped our youngest daughter off at college this week. Julia said she didn’t know whether to cheer or cry or do both at once. But as heightened emotions die down, the day-to-day reality of having less traffic in the house will emerge. If you make one bed-room an office, how many remain empty most of the time? Does anyone watch TV or work out in the finished basement anymore? How much longer do you want to manage the yard?

Single family homes with four bedrooms and more than one bathroom remain at a premium in this market. If this describes your home, you could spend some time empty nesting and prepare for the opportunities that may present themselves. Cleaning out storage, forcing your kids to go through their rooms, freshening up paint or getting to a structural project will help you enjoy your space more while you’re there and make things easier to sell when the time comes.

Julia and I would love to hear about your vision for the future, no matter how faint on the horizon it may be. Reach out to us for a no obligation consultation today. Call me at 207-838-1651 or email

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