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  • Published
    July 22, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Only one of two op-eds on civility is helpful

    The week of July 8-15 saw at least two good op-eds published on the need for civility in our public conversations. The first was Jim Fossel’s column in the July 8 Maine Sunday Telegram: “A gentle reminder: Civility matters in politics, life.” The second, five days later in The (Belfast) Republican Journal, came from columnist […]

  • Published
    July 21, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Losing Maine farmers is not acceptable

    Maine should make it a priority to support all Maine farmers.

  • Published
    July 21, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Time to work together improving health care

    In her July 19 letter to the editor, Patricia Jones suggests that it is not possible for a person to advocate for opioid epidemic solutions while opposing Medicaid expansion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Good work gets done when you work together. It’s time to be resourceful and open to all possibilities. Yes, […]

  • Published
    July 21, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Mainers called upon to support PRINT Act

    I urge everyone to call and write to their Maine members of Congress to support a bill called the PRINT Act to save the newspaper and publishing industries. President Trump has ordered tariffs on newsprint and publishing, which will cripple both industries, causing newspapers to cut back staff and pages being printed, and send the […]

  • Published
    July 21, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Trump administration fails to consider consequences

    The Trump administration acts but does not consider the consequences. A little technology would go a long way. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was not meant to manhandle children at the border. Its mission is to thwart trafficking and counterterrorism. The names of families detained at the border could have been simply entered on a spreadsheet […]

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  • Published
    July 20, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Media’s biased coverage of FBI controversy hurts our democracy

    An agent shown to be clearly trying to keep Trump from being elected is outrageously depicted as someone who just used 'poor judgment.'

  • Published
    July 20, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Congress must force president to uphold nation’s principles

    Eunice Bentley’s July 17 letter (“Our country is suffering through a degrading of its core principles”) expressed poignantly much of the frustration and anger I am feeling about Donald Trump’s meetings with NATO and news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Congress should have demanded that President Trump have advisers with him during his two-hour […]

  • Published
    July 20, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Collins should block court nominee because of threats to rights, justice

    Sen. Susan Collins should oppose the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Besides reports of behind-the-scenes cooperation between Donald Trump and Justice Anthony Kennedy in choosing Kavanaugh – and the fact that anyone Trump chooses could potentially vote on whether Trump will be subpoenaed in the Russia investigation, meaning we should wait until […]

  • Published
    July 20, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Parking garages are bad for waterfront, traffic, Portland residents

    Developer Jonathan Cohen is asking the city to increase the allowable building height along the eastern Waterfront so his company can erect a 600-car parking garage at 100 Fore St., where Hamilton Marine is presently located. To grant this request would be to allow the permanent desecration of Portland’s beautiful harbor frontage in order to […]

  • Published
    July 20, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Senate must protect country against Trump’s treasonous actions

    President Trump has failed to acknowledge or defend our country against the outrageous intrusion by the Russians into our elections. He defies his oath and the Constitution by this treason. He has pursued policies of self-interest over the well-being of our country. While the House must determine when to start impeachment hearings, the Senate must […]