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  • Published
    November 20, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Donate to Portland Tree Trust to make up for storm losses

    Recently, our city arborist, Jeff Tarling, spoke at the University of Southern Maine, and I learned that $2,000 is the annual budget for new trees. When I asked later, he said that a special initiative called the Portland Tree Trust handles donations just for tree planting. Because the city lost 80 trees in a storm […]

  • Published
    November 20, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Critic overlooks Collins’ efforts on behalf of diabetic children

    I can only assume that the author of a recent letter, “Diabetic child is being priced out of his life” (Nov. 15), is terribly misinformed or intentionally lying about Sen. Susan Collins’ record. While I am deeply sorry for the struggles the author of the letter (Sabrina Burbeck) and her son are going through, to […]

  • Published
    November 20, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Extending work-permit wait would further punish asylum seekers

    The latest proposal by the Trump regime, to extend the waiting period for a work permit from 150 days to one year for so-called illegal asylum seekers, is simply a means to punish persons seeking asylum for daring to do so. It is a vindictive, cruel, unjust and immoral act unworthy of anyone daring to […]

  • Published
    November 19, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Political dog fight rages on with no end in sight

    As Democrats and Republicans fight, tooth and nail, over the impeachment of Donald Trump, I am reminded of how dogs fight. Much like my two Springer spaniels, the parties are displaying animalistic tendencies that are not sustainable in a functioning democracy. Like the parties, my two dogs managed to tolerate each other early on and […]

  • Published
    November 19, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Today’s students not prepared for the real world

    Recently, the University of Virginia canceled its traditional 21-gun Veterans Day salute, for fear of panicking the students. Colleges offer “safe spaces” to avoid exposure to dissenting views and opinions that challenge leftist ideologies. Grading systems in some schools have been revised to gratify underachievers. Some educational institutions no longer celebrate exceptional achievement by individual […]

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  • Published
    November 19, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Maine is the right place for consumer-owned electric utility

    State Rep. Seth Berry's proposal fits the culture of local control and sustainability.

  • Published
    November 19, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Sowing unwarranted discord jeopardizes U.S. security

    Thank you for your pithy reporting of the Nov. 13 congressional hearings. The hearings were instrumental in helping me to develop a timeline of critical events, starting with the April Ukraine elections to the May-June appropriation of military assistance, the July phone call and the August whistleblower report, followed shortly thereafter by the Sept. 11 […]

  • Published
    November 18, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Mills should sign public retirement bill

    As president of the Maine Association of Retirees, I am asking all retired Maine state retirees and retired public school educators to contact Gov. Mills and urge her to sign into law L.D. 1104, An Act To Clarify the State’s Commitments Concerning Certain Public Service Retirement Benefits. L.D. 1104 is currently on the governor’s desk. […]

  • Published
    November 18, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Armenian separatist regime doesn’t deserve American welcome

    On Oct. 30, Armenian lobbying groups held an event for Masis Mayilian, a representative of Armenian separatist regime in occupied Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Russia tried to undermine U.S. by interfering in our elections, invading of Ukraine, Syria and expanding in Caucasus with the help of its proxy state of Armenia. Since 1991, Armenia has […]

  • Published
    November 18, 2019
    William Barr, Mitch McConnell

    Letter to the editor: Republicans should put country before president

    President Trump has pulled the party off the rails.