letter to
PublishedMay 10, 2022
Letter to the editor: Reelect DA Sahrbeck to support collaboration, diversion initiatives
PublishedMay 9, 2022
Letter to the editor: Caterina right fit to represent Scarborough
PublishedApril 30, 2022
Letter to the editor: Gov. Mills’ actions presume liberals’ support in November
Her expected veto of the tribal sovereignty bill is just the latest example of what could prove to be a fatal error.
PublishedAugust 12, 2020
Letter to the editor: Vote Gideon for a much-needed change
PublishedJune 8, 2020
Letter to the Editor: Heather Abbott is the right choice for House 47
PublishedJune 1, 2020
Letter to the Editor: Trump presidency is our Chernobyl
PublishedMarch 7, 2020
Letter to the Editor: Corridor claims lack context
Yesterday (Feb. 27), like many folks, I received a mailing from the Clean Energy Matters group outlining the benefits of a proposed tranmission line. One of their “facts” stated that: “The shift away from dirty fossil fuels will eliminate over three million tons of dirty emissions from our air.” This is an impressive “fact” but, […]
PublishedFebruary 20, 2020
Letter to the editor: Judge recognizes significance of BIW protest
That the Press Herald wasn't there to cover the decision to lift a state-imposed fine 'speaks to the political decay and corporate overreach of our times.'
PublishedFebruary 8, 2020
Letter to the editor: Any Mideast solution must involve Israel, not defund it
In “Maine Voices: Indifference of senators and Golden to Palestinians’ plight does real harm” (Jan. 14), Palestinian life was seen through the eyes of Joan Grant and Christy Hammer, who visited the West Bank. The commentary quickly diverts itself from mentioning their commendable act to embellishing a litany of evils Israel commits with regularity. What […]
PublishedFebruary 3, 2020
Letter to the editor: Bloomberg’s record makes him the best candidate in 2020