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letter to the editor

  • Published
    August 27, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Cost of medical cannabis forces pain patient to return to pills

    As some of you know, I have been trying to get the state of Maine to pick up the cost of my prescription marijuana since 2007. Between the state and Medicaid, all my scripts are paid for, except my marijuana. I’ve written Gov. Mills and I even talked to my representative in the Legislature, from […]

  • Published
    August 27, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Consumers can’t count on corporate responsibility

    Pleased to see JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon acknowledging the problem of how corporations treat their employees and customers in your front-page report today (“Top CEOS: Max profits can’t continue to be primary goal,” Aug. 20). But we the customers should not expect the corporate world to attend to our needs. We have the power […]

  • Published
    August 26, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Right whales need more protection

    In light of the critical nature of the survival of the North Atlantic Right Whale, the jump to judgement by elected leaders has been a surprise and disappointment, creating the necessity for public hearings on recommendations that were agreed upon with input and support from all stakeholders in April of this year. A team composed […]

  • Published
    August 26, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Look out for ‘surprises’ in Social Security

    Re: “Letter to the editor: Congress should cure ‘surprise’ medical billing” (Aug. 17): I can vouch for the fact that games are being played. My insurance company, for a recent family member’s major surgery, has been billed $128,000 so far. My insurance company only approved $43,686 and my share was $2,070. My share is in […]

  • Published
    August 26, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Pingree is right to stand up for free speech

    I write to say I am proud of our Congresswoman Chellie Pingree for standing up against the efforts of Israel’s lobby to tamp down free speech in America that criticizes Israel. H.R. 246 pretends to be supporting our right to criticize the policies of foreign governments, but at the same time uses the full weight […]

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  • Published
    August 26, 2019

    Letter to the editor: A proposal to stop mass shootings

    In view of the continuing mass shootings, it is apparent that a new approach is warranted to minimize or possibly eliminate this problem. As a basis for realistic legislation to solve this problem, I offer the following proposal: Any firearm in any person’s possession (with the exception of law enforcement personnel) must be manually reloaded […]

  • Published
    August 25, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Collins appreciated for advocating end to ‘surprise medical billing’

    Why is it that insurance companies get to call all the shots in health care? They decide if doctors or hospitals are “in network” or “out of network.” They decide what’s covered and what isn’t, and what doctors get paid. The deck is totally stacked in their favor. The thing I’m most surprised by is […]

  • Published
    August 25, 2019

    Letter to the editor: ‘Neighborhood from hell’ developer has unfinished work elsewhere

    Bernie Saulnier also has failed to follow up on major problems in his Sandy Meadows project.

  • Published
    August 25, 2019

    Letter to the editor: ‘Death with dignity’ discussion should spur more end-of-life focus

    The Legislature in Maine has passed a “death with dignity” bill, and our governor has signed it into law. Now opponents of the law are trying to get enough petition signatures to force a vote on repealing it. Whether or not they succeed, we need to keep end-of-life issues in the forefront. It is a […]

  • Published
    August 25, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Bay Chamber concerts are worth newspaper’s attention

    For the second year in a row, I have attended some of the concerts in the Bay Chamber Summer Concert Series in Rockport. I am surprised that you do not cover these events, some of which have been truly extraordinary. For example, last year’s final concert of the series was a world premiere of an […]