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letter to the editor

  • Published
    January 21, 2020

    Letter to the editor: By supporting Kavanaugh, Collins flouted her own judicial criterion

    If Sen. Susan Collins uses temperament as one criterion to measure judicial nominees, as she stated in your Jan. 12 article, she wouldn’t have voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Never mind the sexual assault allegations. His conduct during the 2018 confirmation hearings was enough to convince one retired Supreme Court justice, John Paul Stevens, that […]

  • Published
    January 21, 2020

    Letter to the editor: State should be on South Portland’s side in pipeline case

    The impact on Sebago Lake of a possible tar sands spill should rule out any thought of reactivating the old pipeline.

  • Published
    January 20, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Quality child care is key to future prosperity

    As a business leader, I understand the immeasurable impact of a capable and skilled workforce on Maine’s future prosperity. I also understand that, to achieve the quality workforce we seek, we must develop strategies that will positively impact lives during the key developmental period of early childhood. Just like building a house or a business, […]

  • Published
    January 20, 2020

    Letter to the editor: NRCM, not CMP, looks out for Maine’s interests

    Central Maine Power is now spending millions of its rate payers’ dollars on a smear campaign, launching a new barrage of lies. They are accusing the Natural Resources of Maine of working with “Big Oil and Gas and against Maine,” and that the “NRCM is selling out Maine’s future.” Nothing could be further from the […]

  • Published
    January 20, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Retired Maine Guard members offer wisdom on war

    The media too often tries to focus on the political side of things and get their information from political diplomats. It was good to read the article with interviews of the Maine National Guard retirees (“Maine National Guard veterans watching Iran-Iraq developments with concern,” Jan. 9). It struck a different chord for me to think […]

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  • Published
    January 20, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Happy-hour feature at odds with editorial position

    In “Our View: America has a serious drinking problem” (Jan. 16), the Editorial Board accurately reports that alcohol use and alcohol-related deaths are on the rise and concludes: “Findings like these cannot be ignored. Maybe the best place to start is just by admitting that we have a problem.” I agree! Now perhaps the Press […]

  • Published
    January 20, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Portland protesters right about ICE’s record

    The acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offered a weak defense of its policies.

  • Published
    January 20, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Portland needs a community center for all generations

    In response to Carol Schiller and Sally Trice, who asked us in a Jan. 11 letter to the editor to join forces to build a Portland Senior Center: We are certainly on board. This would be a wonderful addition to our community. However, as elders ourselves, we propose that, rather than building a center only […]

  • Published
    January 19, 2020

    Letter to the editor: All-cash tolls will thwart turnpike scofflaws

    Re: “Scofflaws owe $824,000 in unpaid turnpike tolls” (Jan. 5, Page A1): If the turnpike wants to be sure of collecting tolls, then stop the E-ZPass and go back to making all people stop and pay their tolls in cash. Problem solved until cars and trucks are backed up for several miles, then people will […]

  • Published
    January 19, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Power generated by New England Energy Connect will not be clean

    There seems to be a recurring myth about New England Clean Energy Connect, and I am trying to purge this myth from the record.  Electrical power from Hydro-Quebec is not clean. “Politicians who describe dams as ‘clean energy projects’ are talking ‘nonsense’ and rejecting decades of science, says David Schindler, a leading water ecologist,” The […]