We Mainers are so lucky to have a man like independent Eliot Cutler running for governor. His intellect, broad business experience, compassion and drive make him the best candidate to move Maine forward.

We need someone with his creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. Twelve years of failed policies and partisan bickering have left Maine dead last among New England states.

I hear over and over again that people believe Cutler would make the best governor. Yet they’re fearful – fearful of breaking party rank, fearful of polls and the constant refrain, “We have to stop Gov. LePage.”

We should use our precious right to vote to choose to positively elect Eliot Cutler. Cutler, with his dogged persistence and passion about the future of Maine, can lead us forward.

We don’t have to remain backward or mediocre. We have a choice. We can be independent and cast a positive vote for Eliot Cutler.

Eleanor Hind Smith


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