I’m a lifetime unenrolled voter who has voted for Democrats, independents and Republicans.

In 2010 I leaned toward voting independent, but I gave merit to what many Democrats and Republicans said then and today: “A vote for an independent is a vote for a Democrat/Republican” (insert opposing party of the person making the statement). So I voted for Republican Paul LePage.

Boy, did I get it wrong. Any good Paul LePage has done has been diminished by his divisive behavior. He may not be a “smooth-talking politician,” but his apparent lack of common courtesy is detrimental to positive change and incites opposition.

People may “like Mike” Michaud, but he’s been a member of Congress during some of their least productive years. A true leader who works across the aisle wouldn’t let that happen.

Both are extremely beholden to special interests and PACs. In 2014, I’m voting for independent Eliot Cutler.

Russ Grady


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