On June 12, Democrats will be choosing their nominee for Cumberland County district attorney for November’s general election. The election presents an opportunity to enact long-overdue reform to Cumberland County’s criminal justice system after 28 years of Republican control of the District Attorney’s Office. I believe that Seth Levy is the best of three excellent Democratic candidates and that he deserves your vote.

Over-incarceration of nonviolent offenders suffering from addiction and mental illness, and juvenile incarceration that costs the state over $250,000 per year, have strained the resources of the criminal justice system, making it difficult to properly prosecute the perpetrators of violent crime. Seth Levy, who as a child was himself the victim of a sexual assault by a stranger, knows firsthand what happens when the District Attorney’s Office doesn’t do its job. His assailant was a repeat offender who, despite multiple allegations, had escaped serious prosecution, instead “pleading out” for light sentences while continuing to prey on innocent children.

As a defense attorney, Mr. Levy has long championed the approaches he will enact as district attorney – treatment over incarceration for addicts and the mentally ill, reduced youth incarceration and restorative justice. But in cases of violent crime, Mr. Levy will see that the District Attorney’s Office does what it’s supposed to do: achieve justice for victims and convict and appropriately sentence those who have done harm. Because of the high degree of leeway that district attorneys have in making policy and decisions regarding criminal justice, who we choose as our next district attorney has huge ramifications for Cumberland County.

On June 12, I encourage you to choose Seth Levy for district attorney, a man who drew strength from personal tragedy as motivation for a life of purpose, integrity, conscience and dedication to the public good.

Alex Pantaz


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