The frenzy and marketing push for ranked-choice voting are in full swing.

The concept of ranked-choice voting makes good sense by many measures. It’s somewhat intuitive, to some more than others. Power to the people.

At the end of the day, we will still end up with elected officials who may only have garnered 30 percent or 40 percent support during the first rounds of balloting. That’s not the point. At all. This change requires an amendment to the Maine Constitution.

I’d be happy to vote for local candidates with strong beliefs about and earnest support for ranked-choice voting. The populist frenzy is understandable.

However, this major change needs to be mandated by the Legislature with enough votes to amend the state constitution, our constitution. Instead, we now have an onslaught of court rulings. If we truly wish to operate a governmental system based on the rule of law at the most basic levels, the populist approach and runaway train in our courts need to stop.

Peter Connolly

Cape Elizabeth

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