One of the greatest rock songs of all time is the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” The song seems to be the appropriate metaphor for ranked-choice voting.

Mainers – like all Americans – love options. In this election primary, voters can cast ballots for who they “want” as their first choice and who they “need” as their second. If a progressive Democrat wants a progressive leader in the Blaine House, there are several well-qualified gubernatorial candidates in the field to choose from as their first choice. If any Democrat wants to win the general election in November, their second choice should be who they “need”: Adam Cote.

Cote is the best candidate for Democrats to win the 2nd District this November. A native of Sanford, he is a straight shooter, a family man, a business owner, a war veteran, a Colby College graduate and an attorney. Cote’s love and commitment to his family – including his five children – and to Maine and its people will be the catalyst driving him to set the foundational social and economic policies needed for Maine to thrive in its third century.

He is a prudent and pragmatic leader who will not turn a fiscal and political blind eye to the tasks at hand in making Maine a safe and prosperous place to live and raise a family. More importantly for a majority of Mainers, after eight years of shaking their heads in disbelief, Adam Cote will not embarrass our state in the national media, or publicly eviscerate anyone whom he disagrees with in the press.

Come June 12, while humming the Rolling Stones at the ballot box, Democrats can choose who they “want” as their first choice for the gubernatorial nomination, and vote Adam Cote as their second choice for who they need to win in November.

Mike Turcotte


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