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  • Published
    January 14, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Grandfather will stand up for granddaughters at Portland march

    I have eight grandchildren and I can’t believe that my granddaughters will still have to fight for equal pay when doing jobs similar to ones performed by men. It seems that women will always have to fight for this equality. I marched in the first D.C. march in 2017, Portland last year and I will […]

  • Published
    January 14, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Maine House Speaker Gideon has the skills to shine in the U.S. Senate

    As the Maine Legislature begins its 2020 session, the good news is that a budget surplus of almost $120 million will be available to lawmakers. I for one am glad we have a House of Representatives with a Democratic majority led by Speaker Sara Gideon of Freeport working for us in Augusta, as I trust […]

  • Published
    January 14, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Require special licenses for trucks with plows

    This time of year, pickup trucks with snowplows on the front are everywhere. No special license or training is required to own and operate one. It is not uncommon to see one coming toward you with the plow blade over the centerline, forcing oncoming traffic to move over out of their way. With so many […]

  • Published
    January 14, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Don’t follow ‘experts’ on Democratic presidential choice

    As you probably all remember the “experts” declared that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump handily. We all know how that worked out. Now the “experts” keep talking about which candidate could beat President Trump in 2020. Please do not think this way. What kind of person do you want as our president? I want […]

  • Published
    January 14, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Congress should rein in Trump’s war powers

    Several war powers resolutions are circling the House and Senate to rein in a crazy man in the White House. The U.S. had no business assassinating Qassem Soleimani. This is a war crime. Being a “nation of laws” where we have “trial by jury,” and “innocent until proven guilty,” there is never a justification to […]

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  • Published
    January 13, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Maine would benefit from single-payer health care

    Maine has waited long enough. For years now, America has famously had the world’s highest health care costs among developed nations – yet has the lowest health care quality. Why? Because the middleman in our health care system has been the private insurance industry, which by almost any sensible measure has failed the American people. […]

  • Published
    January 13, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Former prosecutor shouldn’t be on pardon board

    Why is John Kelly, who, as an assistant attorney general, oversaw the 1968 raid on attorney Donald Gellers’ home, still employed by the state’s board of pardons, after his disgraceful part in the sordid campaign to destroy Gellers’ career and stop his advocacy for justice for the Passamaquoddy Tribe? Why isn’t Kelly, if not in […]

  • Published
    January 13, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Print paper part of morning ritual

    I have been a Press Herald subscriber for 12 years, and I am not pleased by the decision to suspend publication of a print edition on Mondays and replace it with a digital edition. Digital and print publication are not equivalent. Throughout my adult life, I have begun each day by settling down over my […]

  • Published
    January 13, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Growing use of glottal stop is giving reader kih-ens

    That hard-working, mid-word consonant 't' deserves to be heard.

  • Published
    January 12, 2020

    Letter to the editor: Vegan reader appreciates ideas for meatless meals

    I have been a vegetarian for 29 years and went vegan last July. It is often a lonely trek but the right one for me. I want to thank you for last Sunday’s paper. We have a subscription and read meat-based recipes all the time and feel isolated. Now MDH and I are excited to […]