I urge residents of Portland to vote for Joey Brunelle, at-large candidate for the Portland City Council.

I oppose big money from Realtors flowing in to determine city policy on affordable housing and tenants’ rights. Brunelle puts principle over profit, and deserves a voice on the City Council, severely lacking in this perspective since the loss of David Marshall and Kevin Donoghue.

It might be worth remembering that the forces opposing rent stabilization spent $285,000 to defeat the proposal, whereas its proponents spent $13,000. We just heard that the National Association of Realtors from Chicago has spent $7,300 to elect Brunelle’s opponent, and this group contributed $75,000 of the $285,000 spent in opposition to rent stabilization.

Who should the City Council represent: Realtors or residents? Joey Brunelle represents the interests of workers, students, artists, musicians, longtime residents and retirees, as well as any Portland citizen who supports a compassionate housing policy.

Cristina Malcolmson


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