Maine people have an opportunity Nov. 6 to preserve Maine’s water quality, protect our public health, support our economy and reopen clam flats.

Question 2 will provide $30 million to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection to upgrade wastewater treatment facilities and collection systems statewide, replace failed septic systems and address untreated discharges into waterways, especially those affecting sensitive areas such as clam flats. Clean water is one of the best things about living in Maine, and we must work to maintain it.

As an engineer working with municipalities and sewer districts, I can attest to the need for investment in this area. But this is not just my opinion: Maine DEP has identified $1 billion in required wastewater improvements throughout the state, and the American Society of Civil Engineers Maine Section gave wastewater infrastructure a D-plus in its most recent report card.

Question 2 is the right first step. Please vote “yes” on Question 2!

Ryan Wingard


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