We’ve known Nick Mavodones for a long time, since serving as a school volunteer and working with him to help found the Portland Neighborhood Council. Since then he has continued to engage in civic duty, both on the school board and as an at-large city councilor.

There is value having councilors who have institutional memory. It made all the difference when our neighborhood pressed to restore Capisic Pond a few years ago. Nick was familiar with the issue, and as chair of the council’s Finance Committee, he helped restore the project funding when it was, yet again, deemed not a priority by the previous City Hall administration.

Sometimes it just takes people who are from here to understand the significance of projects going before the council and an understanding of their history. That is something special that Nick Mavodones will bring to the council. Please join us in re-electing Nick Mavodones to the City Council.

Steve and Donna Williams


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